The predecessor of this school initiated a unique outcomes-monitoring program, which is still used (in an updated version) in our Practitioner Training Program. The CFP (Continuing Feedback Program) is a system whereby client responses to therapy are independently monitored. Clients who agree to take part in the program receive a questionnaire, four months and again twelve months after completing therapy. They have the opportunity to respond anonymously and give details of the ongoing benefits of their therapy.  Those who wish to include extra comments are encouraged to do so.

The feedback process is completely anonymous.  Neither clients nor therapists are identified in the program.  This helps ensure feedback responses are as unbiased, accurate and authentic as possible.

Therapists receive statistics of their clients' responses, helping them to adjust their methods where necessary. This data is used by the training organisations to stay abreast of the most effective methods of helping clients and delivering the most appropriate training to our students.  It has played a significant role in helping keep P.S.H. at the forefront of successful, modern subconscious-mind therapy.

Students become involved in this initiative when they start working with clients, using P.S.H.

I.C.S.T.R. (Qld) is committed to continuously monitoring, researching and developing the most effective methods of subconscious-mind therapy. As part of this commitment we gather anonymous feedback from thousands of clients as noted above. For further details please contact us.
